New Poll Shows That 55% of Americans Support Bailout

A new poll administered by Peter D. Hart Research Associates for General Motors says that 55% of the 804 U.S. citizens that took part in the survey back a $25 billion federal bailout (in loans) to American automakers "so they have the money to manufacturer vehicles". Thirty percent of the respondents said that the government shouldn't give a loan to the 'Big Three' while 15% weren't sure. The results from the Hart poll stand in contrast to a USA TODAY / Gallup poll (see here) that was published earlier this week and showed that 47% of Americans believe "providing loans and other help" to auto companies is "not very important."

The Hart poll, conducted Nov. 11-12, also showed that 64% of the people that participated in the survey agreed with Obama that one of his first economic priorities as president is to ensure that the American automobile industry continues to be able to operate and that he favors an economic assistance program to help them. As for whether or not America's automakers will face bankruptcy without government help, 60% answered yes compared to 22% who said no. (Picture: Carscoop)

Click on the pictures to see the full survey results

Source: GM -&- Peter D. Hart Research Associates

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