Alfa Romeo Swapping Blog Exposure for a Chance to Drive the Mi.To

We just received an e-mail from Alfa Romeo informing us that they are giving us bloggers a chance to test drive the all-new Mi.To hatch. Sounds nice but it gets even better. See, in order to get the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of Alfa’s new premium mini we have to write a post either on our blog or in the comment section of the official Mi.To blog, explaining why we think that Alfa Romeo should pick us among other people.

Well, thanks but no thanks. First of all, this goes to show you the way that some companies perceive bloggers; an inexpensive way to advertise and promote their goods to millions and millions of viewers. On their behalf, it’s a smart move as a blog like ours will theoretically write up a nice post about the Mi.To and if by chance we’re sorted out, they’ll get extra exposure. And mind you, don’t underestimate the power of blogs - we don’t like to brag about it but the cold hard fact is that Carscoop gets more monthly visits than many well known car-magazine sites.

We’re not against bloggers being invited by companies to test or learn about their newest products – in our case, cars. We’re against practices of the sort that drive bloggers to blindly promote goods and not judge them with whatever experience one has under his or her belt.

Link: Alfamitoblog

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