Porsche Threatens To Take Legal Steps Over EU’s Proposed C02 Limits

Porsche has threatened that it will take legal action against the European Union (EU) if legislators go ahead and enforce the proposed CO2 emissions limits that would cut average carbon dioxide emissions for new vehicles sold in the 27 member states of the EU to 120g/km by 2012, -compared to 160 grams today. Porsche spokesman Albrecht Bamler told Agence France Press (AFP) that if the CO2 limit took effect: "We would have no chance to reach it and in this case we would go to the EU commission "on the basis of EU fair trading law” and we would think about going to court." However, Balmer stressed to AFP that it's a very theoretical case. -Continued after the jump

According to Balmer, cars produced by Porsche today emit an average of 289 grammes per kilometer. Last Monday, German business newspaper Handelsblatt quoted Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking as calling the proposed limits "completely naïve”. Wiedeking said that "realistically, emissions requirements can only be graded by vehicle segment" and not as an average of a company's entire product line.

Via: Yahoo News , Source AFP

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