"The SUN" Snitches On Vauxhall Driver That Bragged Going 150mph On A Forum

Oh (big) brother… Like thousands of blokes out there, Anthony Coyne decided to brag on the internet about his speeding achievements. Specifically, the 27-year-old Brit posted pictures of the speedometer of his Vauxhall VX220 going up to 150mph on the message board of the VX220 forum were he went under the nickname, “antgtv”. But alas; the never forging piece of British newspaper called “The Sun”, mysteriously (…) found out about it and did the honest thing; after studying his earlier postings they tracked him down, and gave him up to the Kent police.

Coyne, or as fish & chip’s best friend characterizes him, the "dummy", said he was not doing that kind of speed claiming that the forum posting was to get a reaction. On Kent Police’s behalf, Inspector Paul Sellwood said that he was grateful to The Sun. Honestly, I don’t know who posses more of a danger; Coyne who was travelling 150mph or The Sun’s Inspector Clouzot and his VX220 "sn"...itch. Links: The Sun & VX220

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