Video: Gigi Galli Records Fastest Avg Speed at Acropolis Rally

While we wouldn’t mind having Solberg or Loeb take us for a spin, if it were up to us, Gigi Galli would be by far our first choice as we consider the Italian as one of the most spectacular rally drivers ever to set foot on the WRC.

At the Acropolis Rally and despite the fact that Galli was forced to retire three stages before the finish due to a broken suspension arm on his Ford Focus, the Italian won the inaugural Colin McRae Trophy, offered by the organizers of the Acropolis Rally to the driver with the fastest avg. speed through a stage. Galli recorded the rally’s fastest average speed -100.77 km/h or 62.7 mph- though Sunday’s 15.14 km Avlonas stage. -Video after the jump

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